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Main Index > Markets > Construction Applications > Sludge Control

Perlite For Sludge Pick-Up and Control
Original Report by: Bruce Schundler

Perlite has been used more and more to solidify large, unmanageable sludges!

For instance, several years ago AMTRAK wanted to deepen some old railroad tunnels near Washington, DC. After digging up decades of railroad discharges (oil, grease, refuse, etc.), a major rainstorm and subsequent flooding turned the tunnel into a tunnel of wet, slippery, slimy sludge. Within hours bulldozers and front-end loaders were getting stuck in the tunnel.

AMTRAK's engineers finally tried perlite and found it was the "answer to prayers." With only 1600 cubic feet of perlite, suddenly machines could work again, and the sludge could be handled.

Similarly, two years ago a major army base had a hazardous sludge that was too thick to pump, but too wet to handle with front-end loaders. Once again, Perlite came to the rescue by solidifying the sludge, allowing it to be handled and placed in large roll-offs so it could be taken to a hazardous incineration site.

The benefit of perlite is that it is light, easy to handle and use, and absorbs far more than most other medias like "kitty litter" and/or sand. In addition, perlite can be easily transported in lightweight bags or in bulk.

Information given herein is from sources considered reliable, but no guarantee of accuracy can be made or liability assumed.  Your supplier may be able to provide you with more precise data.  Certain compositions or processes involving perlite may be the subject of patents.
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